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A Resurrection of Light at The Neon Boneyard

November 08, 2015 2 min read

Founded in 1996 the Neon Boneyard is a non-profit making enterprise that displays many of the famous neon signs, which are considered to have played an important part in the culture of Las Vegas. Located on Las Vegas Boulevard the museum is open to visitors who wish to take a walk through the neon-lit history of this iconic city.


Whatever The Weather

The Neon Museums hour-long guided tours are incredibly popular with tourists who want to see the signs that they may only have previously seen on TV or in the movies. Signs like the Hacienda Horse and Rider, the Lucky Cuss Motel, the Silver Slipper, the Landmark, are all signs depicting just some of the many businesses, clubs and hotels which used to be a part of Las Vegas’ thriving industry. Some of the signs have been restored but some are in their original, if somewhat delicate, condition. And of course this is an outdoor display so the weather plays a part too but the Boneyard’s curators pride themselves on never cancelling for bad weather – except in really high winds.

A Visit at Night is One to Remember

To appreciate these iconic signs in their best light you really have to see them at night. Take a trip down memory lane and see them in their neon-lit glory as they were in their heyday. You can even have a cocktail or two while you watch as the Vegas skyline competes with the historical light show.

For true neon fans you can now get married surrounded by vintage signs for a truly memorable never-to-be-forgotten experience. The wedding photos will be like no other!

But weddings and special events aside, the point of the Neon Boneyard and its associated attractions is to make you reminisce about the past, to appreciate the history of Las Vegas from its humble beginnings as a small railroad town to the high-rolling mecca of gambling and neon-lit tourism that it is today.

Be Inspired at Neon Boneyard

The Neon Boneyard is a collection of museums and attractions which showcase the images which have inspired generations of artists and photographers as well as ordinary people interested in the provenance of each neon sign – who made it, how it was made and the part it played in the development of Las Vegas.

Signs like Caesar’s Palace and the Golden Nugget are engraved in the consciousness of anyone who is a fan of Hollywood movies and to see these close up is the only way to grab a little piece of Hollywood history for yourself.