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Using Neon as Architectural Lighting

February 10, 2018 2 min read

Lighting, when done correctly, is able to add value and a unique perspective to the specific architecture of a building or construction. Both your exterior and interior architectural lighting should be visually appealing and eye-catching since the human eye is drawn naturally to sources of light. This makes neon lighting perfect for any buildings where a glow effect can help to accentuate specific architectural features.

How can you use neon in architectural lighting?

Neon is a form of cold cathode lighting. Cold cathode and neon lighting create light by the same principle, however, there are some slight differences that make it perfect for architectural lighting. Cold cathode provides up to five times the light output of neon with the same choice of colours, operates on higher currents and is more than twice the diameter of normal neon tubes. This makes it perfect for shopping centres, hotels, restaurants, commercial buildings and bars where this neon effect can help showcase the architectural uniqueness of a building.

Why choose neon as architectural lighting?

A variety of architectural lighting methods are commonly used, including spotlighting, silhouetting, wall-washing, moonlighting, but by using neon to highlight your building, you are doing something unique and creative which will catch the eye of passers-by, simply because it stands out from the norm. Thanks to the unique glow that comes from using neon, your architectural lighting will look intriguing and appealing too. It’s a perfect alternative to other light sources such as incandescent, fluorescent, mercury, tungsten halogen, metal halide, low-pressure sodium, high-pressure sodium, etc. In an area that’s difficult to “stand out” in, the use of neon lighting will help your building or construction achieve just that.

If you require neon lighting, we can manufacture the tubes to your specification, as well as supplying transformers, tubes, and other necessary fixing components. Even though we can’t offer an installation service ourselves for this source of lighting, we can provide you with the contact details of verified and quality installers throughout the UK who can help. If you want to put lights on for the public, whether it’s for a permanent or preset time, then the use of neon lighting can create a diverse range of solutions that will make you stand out from the crowd. Get in touch today or find out more.