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The Impact of a Visual Workplace

February 01, 2019 3 min read

As human beings, we respond much better to visual content and can process visual information much easier; this could be why we love decorating with fresh interior design themes and updating our environments to reflect our personalities. The workplace in particular is a place where décor should be as visual and stimulating as possible, making sure that staff are engaged and interested during working hours. After all, there’s nothing less motivating than a dull surrounding to complete your daily tasks.

At Neon Creations, we’ve helped businesses and individuals alike to transform their surroundings, whether that be their home or office. A vibrant neon sign could be the answer to brightening up an uninspiring office, or to make the entrance to your building much more inviting.

Having a visual workplace can make a huge difference in the day-to-day running of your business. Still not convinced? Here are just some of the ways a visual workplace can impact your staff.

Improved morale

A bright, visually interesting environment instantly sparks a little more positivity in people. Neon signs can be made into a funny quote, motivating phrase or even personalised for your team. Not only can this act as a visual encouragement to staff, it can improve their mood coming into work every day.

A visual workplace is important for the psychological wellbeing of your staff, reducing stress and keeping team members engaged.

What’s more, when your staff are in a better mood, they are naturally more productive which is an obvious benefit for the workplace!

Build on your brand

Investing in a neon sign for the purpose of branding can be one of the best visual statements for your office or other workspace. Putting your logo up in lights, or the company slogan, you can reinforce your company values and encourage staff to align themselves with them.

Whether you work in an office, a bar or an industrial space, a neon sign of your branding can help to solidify your corporate identity and add a little bit of fun at the same time.

Inspire creativity

No matter what job you do, a little bit of creativity can help a lot. Hanging a neon sign in your entrance, on the office wall or in the window can act as a little boost for those trying to tap into their creative side. The bright colours and clever designs are perfect for inspiring your next great idea; much more so than a blank white wall!

Whether it’s an inspiring quote or a motif to encourage your staff to go the extra mile, you never know how visual décor could help someone come up with their next great idea.

Create the right atmosphere

With the right décor, you can create specific environments to encourage people to concentrate, relax or have fun. A neon sign can determine the ambience of your workplace, so if you need to inject some fun or seriousness into your office, do it through a personalised design that will speak to your team.

Creating an atmosphere that your staff will thrive in is key to a successful business, and the visual aspect of a neon sign can really make an impact, from the minute everyone turns up to the minute everyone leaves. Contact us for more information on our neon lighting.